Hard skin is caused by pressure and resistance against your skin, which results in corns or calluses.
It most commonly occurs on your feet due to some actions such as walking or running in very fit shoes or walking barefooted. The Thick parts of the skin have a different type of hard skin that becomes waxy and harder with time, if not treated.
When our skin responds to the stress and the friction against it, it becomes hard. Sometimes the hard skin becomes so tender that it becomes painful when touched. Hard skin on the feet can be treated easily and quickly. Read the rest of the article to learn how to get rid of hard skin on feet quickly and prevent it from coming back.
Calluses and Corns are not too dangerous for health. They can be removed with time but for serious cases, that time is much longer. However hard skin can easily be treated at home. Let’s get to the steps of hard skin removal from feet.
Soak your Feet :
Almost all the Foot Treatments start from Feet Soaking. Soak your feet with warm water for 6-7 minutes. This will make the skin soft and extra dirt will be removed.
Try some extra things for more feet softening, that will help in removing hard skin easily.
- Lemon Juice (It contains citric acid that is more effective for the removal of hard and dead skin cells.)
- White Vinegar (It is composed of acetic acid that aids in the removal of hard skin.)
- Honey (best element for natural moisturization)
You can use any of the above-mentioned ingredients or all of them.
Use Pumice Stone :
The most effective way to get the hard skin removed is using a pumice stone. After the first step, your skin is now softer and can easily be removed. Gently rub the pumice stone on your feet one by one. Rub it on the heels, arch, and on whole soles in a circular motion. Continue scrubbing until you get a soft and smooth feel from the skin.
Caution: Stop! If you feel irritation or sensitivity then stop doing it.
If you don’t have cracked heels then move to the next step. After the removal of hard skin, if you also have cracked heels then you should try the following steps.
Vaseline Moisturization :
- Massage Vaseline onto the feet and especially on cracked heels
- Cover both feet with a plastic bag
- Leave for an hour and smooth feet are all yours.
Using Rice Flour :
- Rice Floor
- Apple Cider Vinegar
- Honey
- The ratio should be 3:2:3
Mix and apply them to the feet. Leave for 10 minutes and then rinse. You can see its magic now.
Nourish your Feet :
All the hard and dry skin has been removed now, so it’s time to soften the newly exposed skin cells. It’s time to moisturize your feet. Pick up a good foot cream and apply it to your feet.
You can use a lotion or a cream that is enriched in salicylic or glycolic acid. These acids help in the removal of any extra dead skin. But not recommended for diabetic patients.
Caring for your skin is very necessary for healthy skin Soft feet to represent beauty. Here are some methods for softening and moisturizing the feet overnight.
Use Vaseline Petroleum Jelly :
The simplest and the oldest method of feet softening is using Vaseline. Our grandmothers also knew this use of Petroleum jelly.
Petroleum Jelly doesn’t contain any skin-penetrating chemicals. It is a natural moisturizer. Moreover, it acts as a natural Pumice Stone for dead skin cells.
It is not so tricky just simple as moisturizing your skin. Massage the Petroleum jelly on your feet and cover them with socks overnight. It tackles the dryness and dead skin cells over the night. In the morning you will see fabulous results.
Use Lemongrass Sugar Scrub :
This scrub will help you soften your feet overnight. The long-lasting method contains the following ingredients:
- 16 Table Spoon Sugar
- 8-12 Table Spoon Coconut Oil or Almond Oil
- 8 Table Spoon Epsom Salts
- 8 Table Spoon Baking Soda
- 2 tea bags of Chamomile
- 12 drops Chamomile Oil
- Ten Drops Lemongrass Oil
- Five Drops Lavender Oil
Mix all the ingredients and apply them to your feet for quick and long-lasting results.
Corns are the hard and thick areas on the skin and are usually small in size. When compared with calluses they are much smaller but are more painful. Corns are caused by repeated pressure on the skin.
They are not dangerous for health but irritate. Corns are caused because of walking barefooted or using ill-fitted shoes. If Corns are not treated, they can develop worst with time and can cause Blisters and Arthritis.
How to Remove Corns on Feet Overnight?
First, you need to investigate the cause of getting corns. This cause will help you in the treatment. Sometimes they are gone without treatment when the pressure or friction causing them stops.
We recommend the following steps to get rid of corns:
Soak Foot in warm water :
Soak your feet in warm water for approximately ten to fifteen minutes or more until you feel that the skin is getting soft.
Rub the Corn with a Pumice Stone :
It is a porous and natural rock that is used to get rid of dry skin. Soak the pumice stone in warm water and then rub it on the corn. Gently rub in circular or sideways motions that will help remove the corn.
Caution: Don’t take off too much skin. Too much Sloughing away of skin could cause bleeding.
Apply Lotion to the Corn :
Use a moisturizing lotion or foot cream enriched in salicylic acid. Salicylic acid contains the keratin protein that converts the corn into dead skin. However, salicylic acid is not good for diabetic patients and people with poor blood circulation, or frail skin.
Use Corn Pads :
Prevent direct contact of corns with your shoe, using donut-shaped adhesive pads.
Don’t try to cut your corns as this can lead to a dangerous infection of the surrounding tissues.
If the above treatment is not effective then visit your doctor.
Calluses are the hard and thick areas on the skin. They are usually small in size. But as compared to corns they are larger. Calluses are caused by repeated stress on the skin. Other causes could be walking barefooted or using ill-fitted shoes. Calluses if not treated timely may become a serious problem.
How to soften rough callused feet?
Most people’s feet get damaged in winter, especially those with dry skin. The Calloused feet should be treated to make them soft and beautiful. Some remedies and elements are explained below for the treatment.
Home Remedy :
This remedy will help make your feet soften in just one week.
- 1 Table spoon candle wax
- 1 Table spoon Aloe Vera
- 5 Table spoon mustard oil
- 1 Table spoon coconut oil.
Mix all these things and heat on low flame for five to ten minutes. When you get a thick paste, let it cool for some time and then apply.
Before using you need to clean your feet. You can wash them in warm water and use the scrubber to remove dead skin and then apply this paste. After applying wear socks and wait almost half an hour. Rinse thoroughly with warm water. You will see the magic in about 5-7 days.
Using Pumice stone :
It is a common basalt stone that can get rid of calluses from your feet easily.
How to Use?
- Immerse your feet in lukewarm water for 7-10 minutes.
- Also, Soak the Pumice stone in the warm water.
- Rub the pumice stone on your feet gently. Rub in a circular motion for effective results.
- Lastly, apply moisturizer on the skin for soft feels.
Don’t use the stone on injures. Don’t rub aggressively onto your skin.
Paraffin wax :
Paraffin wax is an important element used for pedicures.
It is a delicate wax that melts at 125°F (51°C). For home use of paraffin wax for softening of calloused feet follow the below steps:
- Take a small amount of wax in a pan
- Melt the wax in a saucepan
- Pour it into a bowl and let it cool for a while
- Dip your feet in that bowl
- During this treatment, you’ll soak your feet in it repeatedly. After that cover them in a plastic sheet.
- Remove this wax layer, when it gets hard. The callused skin will get off along with the wax. Your feet will feel smooth after this treatment.
Keep checking its temperature using a candy thermometer. It should not be extra hot. Don’t try this treatment if you have poor blood circulation, any rashes or injuries on the skin or if you have diabetic neuropathy.
How do I get rid of thick dead skin on my feet?
Almost all the Foot Treatments start from Feet Soaking. Soak your feet with warm water for 6-7 minutes. This will make the skin soft and extra dirt will be removed.
What kills dead skin on your feet?
Calluses and Corns are not too dangerous for health. They can be removed with time but for serious cases, that time is much longer. However hard skin can easily be treated at home. Let’s get to the steps of hard skin removal from feet.
Foot care is very important for our health. It reduces the risk of getting corns and calluses. If the remedies on how to get rid of hard skin on feet are not too effective to remove the hard skin, corns, and calluses from your feet then visit the podiatrist. The above-discussed remedies are for normal cases but for severe cases we suggest surgeries.

Jonathan de Lagarde has been the lead writer at PasUnAutre since 2019. His passion is to help people in all aspects of Feet and Shoes related to feet problems. He is a great Shoes expert in terms of giving you a great advice about which shoes you should purchase.