What Does D Mean In Shoe Size? Also H, B, M

For humans, waking is run-of-a-mill. And ultimately, shoes are necessary for this purpose. But to walk comfortably, you need a good shoe with a nice fit. To be honest, it is not that easy. I’m sure you have also gone through some shoe problems, and it is normal. Just to avoid such situations in the future, you need to know two main things.

Number one is shoe length and, number two is the shoe width. Your shoe size not only depends on the length, but it also depends on the width.

So, let us check out what shoe width is and how it affects your shoe size.

Shoe Width Letters

You might not be the only one in the world, pondering on what does shoe width letters mean and what are they. It is a question asked by many.

For a beginner, it might sound a bit confusing because it is a maze of numbers and letters. But it is not that complicated.

These nine shoe widths are being used in the US at the moment: AAA, AA, A, B, C, D, E, EE, and EEE. Thin and wide shoes are additionally separated into sub-sizes in which the additional letter shows an even smaller width.

The width differs from person to person but the standard width for women is B and men is D.

Men’s Shoes Width Sizes :

DMedium or Average
EEEExtra Wide

Women’s Shoes Width Sizes :

AAAASuper Slim
EEExtra Wide

Toddler’s Shoe Size Chart :

WXExtra Wide

What Does D mean in Shoe Size?

D-width is viewed as a standard or normal shoe size for men whereas, for ladies, it is considered to be wide. You might be wondering what are the measurements of a D width.

Well, it is roughly 3 to 5 inches across the bottom of the arch of the foot. It is the basic measurement, used over the world.

Approximately 90% of people tend to buy shoes with D width and, the reason for that is simple. Men wear D shoes as a normal or medium standard. And as a result, it is the most bought shoe width in the world.

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What Does H Mean in Shoe Size?

H refers to two things. H in shoe size means half. For example, if the shoe size is 8H, then it means 8 ½. Not that difficult, right?

In some cases, it also means extra wide for men. It just depends on where you are purchasing your shoe. And in case of confusion, you can always ask the shopkeeper to help you out.

Talking about the details H shoe size gives your shoe that sharp effect and prevents them from looking saggy while wearing. On the whole, it is common only in mens’ shoes.

What Does B Mean in Shoe Size?

The B width is the standard shoe width for ladies yet it is viewed as amazingly narrow and wide for men.

For ladies’ shoes that are not marked as wide or thin, they are marked as B. B width shoes are ordinarily somewhere in the range of 3.6 to 4.1 across the arch of the foot.

In place of B, sometimes M is also used. As both refer to medium. And as H is common in men, B is common in women. If you ever see B written on the shoe then it means that the shoe is neither narrow nor wide.

What Does M Mean in Shoe Size?

M stands for medium shoe width. It may be written as B(m) which means medium shoe for women. And if it is written as D(m) then it means medium shoe for men.

Why? Because B is medium for women and D is for men, and m of course represents a medium.

So, as a result, M helps you distinguish between men and women medium shoe width.

How to Measure Shoe Width

How to measure Shoe Width

At shoe stores, they have equipment and tools to measure your shoe width. But if you want to place an online order then what to do?

● With Measuring Tape

Don’t worry. You can also measure your shoe width at home. For this purpose, you need measuring tape, paper, and a pencil.

Place the paper on the floor and put one of your feet on it. With the help of a pencil start tracing the outline of your foot. You can do this yourself but it is easier if someone else does this for you while you are standing upright. But doing it on your own is also alright. Note that you should keep your pencil close to your foot. It will provide you with a more accurate result.

It is also recommended that if you will be wearing socks with the shoes then take the sketch while wearing socks.

After you have got the sketch of your feet, take a measuring tape and measure the length and width of the sketch.

It is suggested to measure the width between those corners which are the widest. And it is to be done horizontally.

It will be better if you would take two to three sketches. It is because there are chances of error in everything. Just to be safe, do it multiple times. And just go with the reading that you think is correct or you can also take an average of all the readings.

And since all that tracing from pencil leads to variation in result, it is best to subtract approximately 0.5(1/5) from the actual reading.

By the above-mentioned steps, you will be able to get more or less your shoe width.

● With Shoe Charts

Apart from this, you can always get some help from the internet. Just google some general shoe charts and you will be able to find your shoe width in correspondence to your shoe length. But for this purpose, you need to know your shoe length.  Even some online shoe stores put up their shoe charts. You can look at them because they are certainly more valid for their shop.

● With Foot Shapers

American foot shapes can also be used to measure the shoe size or width. Because they tell you your exact foot size. You can purchase them online or at stores. This way is easier but requires investment.

Difference Between Men and Women Shoe Width

Measure your foot size

Men have more extensive feet compared with ladies. And this is the reason why men and women have different size charts.

A is just utilized in ladies’ sizes whereas, EEE and others are overwhelmingly found in men widths. Though, numerous brands are changing this to oblige ladies with more extensive feet.

As we examined at the start of the article a D is classified as Medium for men, yet wide for ladies. Hence men and women have their shoe width standards.

Importance of Width in Shoes

Calculating the correct width for your feet is pretty much as significant as calculating the accurate length. Shoes that are too wide or too tight can be awkward, uncomfortable, and even hard to wear.

Shoe width simply applies to the distance between one corner to the other of your foot arch. Shoe size and shoe width will, in general, be relative in standard measuring.

You need to make sure that you have proper knowledge of your shoe width. If not, the incorrect shoe size can crumple your feet leaving your foot with rashes and pain.

Effects of Wearing Tight Shoes

Narrow shoes can prompt an assortment of medical problems, such as contaminated foot bruises, foot distortions, hammertoes, and bunions. Or spasms and extreme perspiring that can prompt bacterial or parasitic contaminations is likewise a typical issue.

What If Shoes are Wide

In case your shoes are wide, then your shoe won’t be cozy and will rub against the rear of your heel, and will result in a callus or even a bone spike. You will not feel as steady when you walk and, your feet will move around, which can cause grating, prompting injuries and rankles. Nail issues and hammertoes are additional issues with overly large shoes.

Is D width medium or wide?

D is classified as Medium for men, yet wide for ladies. Hence men and women have their shoe width standards.

Is EE wider than D?

Yes, EE is wider than D because D is considered as medium and EE is extra wider than D.

What does C mean in shoe width?

C is know as extra wide width, C/E is extra wide widths.

What does GS mean in shoes?

GS mean in shoes as “Grade School” in shoes terminology.

What does SE mean in shoes?

SE means in shoes as “Special Edition” in shoes terminology.


Whenever you are assessing, your shoe width or length, always do it at night or after a walk. The reason for this is that after continuous walking your foot size increases. So, it makes sense to measure shoe width after a walk because you are going to wear shoes for walking.

On the other hand, it is better to go to a store to buy shoes. You can get them online too but then you might get size issues.

Knowing your shoe width is not rocket science, you just need to know the proper technique and you are good to go.

I am sure now you will be able to understand shoe width letters and shoe width, and it won’t be a problem for you to measure your shoe width yourself at home.

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